Amendments was made to the decree N-17 issued by the head of the SARAS (October 28, 2016) – ‘the rule of forming web-page and register, its structure, form, information indication and identification procedures’ on March 26, 2018. Please refer to link
On March 23, 2018, the World Bank organized the arrangement aiming to develop a strategic plan for improving the quality of education in accounting and audit field
Amendments were made to the decree N-9 issued by the head of the SARAS (July 12, 2017) - ‘the Regulation for Quality Control System Monitoring Process` on March 1, 2018.
On the bases of research carried out by the SARAS and information provided by professional organizations, auditors, audit firms, SARAS determined factual circumstances that can cause non-compliance with the laws regulating audit service in the State Procurement implementation process
SARAS published the `Guideline for Management Report` on the official webpage and Reporting Portal. The guideline is designed for I and II category enterprises and public interest entities