The reporting process for the 2023 reporting period has started! Please submit your reports, immediately, as soon as they are available

Student Olympiad in financial and management accounting was held

The representative of SARAS attended Olympiad organized by the National Reforms Support Foundation in Accounting, Reporting and Auditing

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First meeting of interpretation committee of Standard for fourth category entities was held

On the initiative of SARAS, the first meeting of interpretation committee of Standard for fourth category entities was held

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Georgia expands international relationships in audit oversight area

Representatives of Public Audit Oversight Body of Ukraine visited Georgia to share the experience. Parties also signed cooperation memorandum

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Vakhtang Kezheradze was appointed as the Head of Department of Audit and Professional Education Supervision

Vakhtang Kezheradze was appointed as the head of SARAS Department of Audit and Professional Education Supervision at the MoF’s

Michael Wells: “Georgia’s involvement in IFRS for SMEs standard improvement process is extremely important!”

SARAS held events for IFRS for SMEs standard trainers and trainees led by the Michael Wells, World Bank’s invited expert 

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Best Annual Report and Transparency Award

National Reforms Support Foundation for Accounting, Reporting and Auditing with the support of the European Union - World Bank joint project on Financial Inclusion and Accountability announces in fall 2019 the competition aimed for the GSE listed companies who publish annual reports at

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