On December 22, 2020, under the Order №N-18 of the Head of the SARAS, an amendment was made to “The Rule about Registering Users, Reporting and Disclosure by the Entities on the Reporting Website” approved by the Order №N-6 of the Head of the SARAS dated May 21, 2019
Under the License Agreement the IFRS and IFRS for SMEs taxonomies developed by the International Accounting Standards Board, will be translated into Georgian language and published on the webpage of SARAS in order to facilitate the electronic use and exchange of financial data
On December 16, 2020, The European Union and World Bank joint project - Georgia Financial Inclusion and Accountability – in partnership with the National Reforms Support Foundation in Accounting, Reporting and Auditing (RSF), held today a virtual award ceremony for the second Best Annual Report and Transparency Award (BARTA)
A webinar on the International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (IESBA Code) was held for representatives of the Profession, as well as for all interested parties
The purpose of the webinar was to emphasize the importance of the role of audit committees in ensuring the quality of the audit of financial statements and promoting better protection of the users of financial information