The reporting process for the 2023 reporting period has started! Please submit your reports, immediately, as soon as they are available

Trainings will be held for the entities accountable to the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement (NCEQE)

According to the “Authorisation Standards for Vocational Educational Institutions” approved as annex 4 of the Order № 99/N of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia of October 1, 2010 on “Approval of Authorisation Fees and Authorisation Regulations for Educational Institutions”, one of the criteria for compliance with 5.3.1 paragraph on financial sustainability of the organization is the financial statement submitted on 

Considering the fact that the abovementioned regulation is in force from February 2020, it applies to the submission of financial statements through by those entities accountable to the Center for the reporting periods of 2020 and afterwards. 

We would like to remind you that on June 16, 2020, a memorandum was signed between SARAS and the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement. It aims at improving financial transparency in the educational sphere as well as enhancing the quality of professional education. Within the framework of the memorandum, trainings on functioning of the reporting system will be held for the entities accountable to the Center. 

SARAS appreciates that various sectors ate interested in the Transparency Reform and welcomes their participation in the process. Such an approach and cooperation to achieve a common goal will bring much greater benefits to the economic development of Georgia. SARAS is always ready to cooperate with new parties.