The reporting process for the 2023 reporting period has started! Please submit your reports, immediately, as soon as they are available

The representative of the Service attended the 12th Annual Meeting of the International Institute for audit oversight held by the PCAOB in the US, to learn about the PCAOB’s approaches and for cooperation of participating parties with regard to important issues of audit

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The Service for Accounting, Reporting and Auditing Supervision with support of its donor organizations held workshops with the representatives of IV category enterprises and other stakeholders regarding simplifying financial reporting standards

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For maximum simplification of the implementation process of the Financial Reporting Standards for the IV category enterprises, the SARAS has developed a self-learning material for the IV category enterprises in the framework of the technical support project of UK Good Governance Fund

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Representatives of SARAS attended the events organized by the World Bank’s CFRR in Vienna. The events aimed to share experience regarding the implementation process of the reform, transparency, high-quality financial statements, importance of professional education for economic integration

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On the initiative of Georgian Chamber of Commerce and industry, representatives of SARAS met the delegation of Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and industry

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SARAS participated in the international conference held by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus. The conference aimed to discuss issues related to the reform of accounting-reporting field

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