The reporting process for the 2023 reporting period has started! Please submit your reports, immediately, as soon as they are available

Approval of the project will help the obliged entities accountable to SARAS in the direction of AML/CFT to fulfill their obligations under the Law of Georgia on Facilitating the Suppression of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing  

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For the attention of entities, their auditors, regulatory/supervisory bodies and persons interested in financial statements, SARAS has developed a unified document, in an updated form, on non-compliances identified as a result of financial statements reviews and review priorities. In addition to the issues mentioned above, the document focuses on materiality and the characteristics of high-quality financial statements. 

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The purpose of the meeting is to inform interested parties about the Rule for Understanding the Customer’s Ownership and Control (Governance) Structure and Identification and Verification of a Beneficial Owner by the Obliged Entity 

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Submitting 2023 information on revenue/number of employees by auditors and audit firms

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SARAS continues to implement important reforms, and sums up the results of 2023

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