The reporting process for the 2023 reporting period has started! Please submit your reports, immediately, as soon as they are available

Explanatory notes on financial audit public procurement matters

In order to prevent violation of the audit regulations SARAS developed an explanatory paper 

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Adapted timesheet template - recommendation for auditors/audit firms

Filling the timesheets adopted by the rule of recording working time becomes mandatory from March 2021. As a recommendation, SARAS developed adapted timesheet template for auditor/audit firms

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SARAS representatives took part in the event organized for accountants

The event was intended for the representatives of the fourth category entities and served to review the most relevant topics    

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Reporting requirements for State-owned PIEs - SARAS held a virtual event

The event’s goal was to introduce the system of the reporting requirements for State-owned PIEs and review the requirements of the Georgian government decree

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Inter-agency memorandum of cooperation

An inter-agency memorandum, aiming at the issues related to reporting, was signed between the supervisory and regulatory agencies of Georgia

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IFRS for SMEs Training - the World Bank establishes two additional groups

Considering the number of attendance requirements, the World Bank established two additional groups of IFRS for SMEs Training 

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