The reporting process for the 2023 reporting period has started! Please submit your reports, immediately, as soon as they are available

Obligation to forward information to Financial Monitoring Service of Georgia

According to the law on “Facilitating the Prevention of Illicit Income Legalization”, transactions that are subject to monitoring and obligations of monitoring entities (Person conducting accountancy or/and auditor activity as it is defined under the Georgian legislation) are defined, in accordance with registering information (Documents) on transactions and persons involved. 

According to the article 3 of the Decree N12 of 31 January, on receiving, processing and forwarding the information, and their regular elaboration by person conducting accountancy or/and auditor activity, is requested to send registration form to Financial Monitoring Service of Georgia, in 1 month term after receiving such authority. 

Registration Form can be presented electronically to Financial Monitoring Service of Georgia on the web-page