The reporting process for the 2023 reporting period has started! Please submit your reports, immediately, as soon as they are available

Temporary right to audit financial reporting of Public Interest Entities (PIEs)

The process of granting the temporary right to audit financial reporting of Public Interest Entities (PIEs) has been completed.

The list of Audit Firms which have been granted the temporary right to perform Audit of PIEs can be found in Register of Audit Firms using the filter – “is granted with the temporary right to audit financial reporting of Public Interest Entities (PIEs).” 

The temporary right is in force until 31.12.2017. The Service shall complete quality control system monitoring of those audit firms which applied to it with the request to perform quality control system monitoring and reflect respective findings in the Register by 1 January, 2018. The temporary authority to perform PIE audit shall be abolished if a person having such authority does not apply to the Service with a request to perform quality control system monitoring.