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IFRS and IFRS for SMEs Updates – SARAS hosted annual event with the support of the World Bank and in collaboration with the IFRS Foundation

SARAS, in collaboration with the IFRS Foundation and with financial support from the World Bank, held its eighth annual event. The purpose of the event was to provide interested parties with timely and in-depth information on updates to IFRS standards and the IFRS for SMEs standard.

The event was opened by Andzs Ubelis from the World Bank together with the SARAS representatives. The keynote speaker was Jianqiao Lu, a member of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), who provided participants with detailed information on changes and updates to IFRS standards and the IFRS for SMEs, and answered questions from the audience.

The target audience for the event included auditors, public interest entities (PIEs) and I, II and III category enterprises. In total, around 260 people attended the event.
Please see the presentation used during the event.