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Representatives of SARAS attended the virtual conference organized by IFRS Foundation

On September 28-29, representatives of SARAS attended a virtual conference organized by International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation

This conference combined the annual IFRS Foundation conference and annual World Standard-setters conference. It was a unique opportunity for the attendees to hear directly from the International Accounting Standards Board members on the latest developments in IFRS Standards and on other important projects. 

The conference was also dedicated to reviewing the impact of COVID-19 pandemic. As part of the panel discussion, participants discussed current IASB projects and the usage of Standards during the pandemic. 

It should be noted that SARAS plans to set up a discussion committee on accounting matters raised around IFRS Standards. Representatives of SARAS have consulted with IASB members and the representatives of relevant authorities in other countries with similar practices. 

Additional information about this initiative will be posted on SARAS website in a near future.