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On the initiative of SARAS, the event - Transparency Reform Outcomes | Corporate Sector Research Results and Capital Market Development” was held to demonstrate the benefits of the reform

On July 15, 2020 SARAS, with support of the EU and the World Bank Financial Inclusion and Accountability project, the National Bank of Georgia and the Ministry of Finance, held a virtual meeting on:

Transparency Reform Outcomes | Corporate Sector Research Results and Capital Market Development

The event aimed at demonstrating the outcomes and potential benefits of the transparency reform. Sebastian Molineus (World Bank Regional Director), Sirje  Poder (Representative of EU Delegation), Nikoloz Gagua (Deputy Minister of Finance of Georgia) and Yuri Dolidze (Head of SARAS) made welcome speeches. They spoke on the importance of the ongoing accounting reform and future prospects for the development of this area. 

The event was made up of two main parts. During the first part of the event, the invited speakers presented the results of research conducted in various directions based on the information resources of SARAS. They also discussed possibility of creating new analytical products. The speakers highlighted local and the world’s best practices for the efficient use of data accumulated on the reporting portal for the development of capital and financial markets.  

Please, view the presentations: 

- National Bank of Georgia  | Corporate Sector Review: Key Financial Indicators
- Credit Info | Usage of SARAS Data in Scoring Models
- Galt & Taggart  | Transparency Reform Benefits 
- Bureau Van Dijk | Harmonized Information in a Rapidly Evolving World 

The second part of the event was dedicated to the panel discussion on transparency data and its wider use for various sectors of Georgian economy. Irina Gordeladze, the World Bank lead consultant, was the panel host. Representatives of SARAS, consulting companies and research organizations took part in the discussion. (Please view the presentations: GEC Corporation; EBIT Group; Caucasus University). 

All stakeholders interested in the Reform and its outcomes – representatives of state agencies, business associations, academic circles, capital and financial market players – attended the event.