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Best Annual Report and Transparency Award 2020 is announced

Best Annual Report and Transparency Award within the framework of the World Bank – European Union joint Project – Financial Inclusion and Accountability, in partnership with the RSF will be expanded in 2020. 

The Best Annual Report and Transparency Award is intended to encourage compliance with new reporting regulations, foster healthy competition between companies, and improve the overall standard of corporate reporting as part of the country’s quest to build up investor trust and confidence at local and international levels.

This year the competition will be open to all public interest entities (PIEs) which includes all companies listed on the Georgian Stock Exchange (GSE) A and B listing, as well as those admitted to trading, banks, insurance companies etc.

The 2020 competition will also introduce a new award – for the Best Integrated Report as part of the companies’ Annual Reports. 

A panel of judges, comprising local and international experts, will decide on the award winners. 

For more details see the official website