The reporting process for the 2023 reporting period has started! Please submit your reports, immediately, as soon as they are available

SARAS held events aiming to raise awareness regarding Management Report

The Service for Accounting, Reporting and Auditing Supervision Subdivision of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia organized events aiming to raise awareness regarding Management Report in partnership with the World Bank on February 1-2, 2018. More than 600 representatives of I and II category enterprises and public interest entities attended the event. The event aimed to provide important information and share best practices of leading countries with the audience.

Representatives of SARAS discussed the law requirements regarding reporting through the presentation and announced the management reporting textbook prepared with the support of the World Bank and other experts. The textbook aims to simplify the reporting preparation and it will be available on the official webpage of SARAS.

The consultant of the World bank Irina Gordeladze and the professor of Business and Financial Law, the head of governance/vice president of Philips Lighting - Erik P.M. Vermeulen also attended the event and informed the public through the presentation about main objectives of management reporting preparation, best practices of leading companies and modern tendencies such as integrated reporting.

Please refer to linked presentations: (Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Link 4)