The reporting process for the 2023 reporting period has started! Please submit your reports, immediately, as soon as they are available

Registration Number Surname Firstname Primary working place Authority Monitoring Conducted Restriction Full Information
SARAS-A-965206 Ujmajuridze Malkhaz Nexia TA View
SARAS-A-155394 Vanidze Rezo Accounting, auditing and taxation management group Ltd. View
SARAS-A-518452 Vardidze Bela Individually Statutory PIE, I View
SARAS-A-241176 Vediashvili Gulnara Moore abc LLC View
SARAS-A-730184 Vephkhvadze Lasha intelect audit View
SARAS-A-320647 Vepkhvadze Giorgi ALS LTD View
SARAS-A-921548 Vepkhvadze Malkhaz Individually Non-Statutory Yes PIE, I, II View
SARAS-A-355180 Zarandia Mamuka Audit ,,Lazika Audit" LTD View
SARAS-A-457114 Zarandia Tsiskara Audit ,,Lazika Audit" LTD View
SARAS-A-257221 Zaridze Dimitri Individually Statutory PIE View

Record Per Page: 445