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SARAS representatives participated in an event organized by the World Bank's Centre for Financial Reporting Reform (CFRR) in Austria to launch a new regional project - "Strengthening the Accounting, Auditing and Sustainability Reporting Program (EAASURE)"

The Centre for Financial Reporting Reform (CFRR) successfully launched the regional project - "Strengthening the Accounting, Auditing and Sustainability Reporting Program (EAASURE)" at a knowledge-sharing event held in Vienna, Austria on 28-29 May. The event was held in conjunction with the Eastern European Regional Public Audit Reform Implementation Support (REPARIS) project.

The event brought together representatives from 11 beneficiary countries to discuss strategies for meeting the new EU requirements and addressing the challenges of corporate financial and sustainability reporting. Participants included representatives from ministries of finance, public audit oversight bodies, professional accounting associations and other officials.

It should be noted that one of the panelists at the event was the Head of the Service for Accounting, Reporting and Auditing Supervision of Georgia, who spoke about the importance and benefits of the Report on Observance of Standards and Codes (ROSC) for the country. 

During the event, the CFRR presented the new regional program EAASURE and its expected results. The program focuses on assisting countries in meeting new EU requirements for corporate financial and sustainability reporting.

The meetings focused on the results of the EU audit reform, the institutional framework in Greece and the experience of the Financial Reporting Council (FRC UK). 
EAASURE aims to strengthen corporate financial reporting practices and promote the adoption of sustainability reporting in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region. Participating countries receive support in reforming reporting practices, establishing regulatory frameworks and strengthening institutional capacity. 

The main beneficiaries of the EAASURE program are Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Ukraine.